About Christina

Hi there,

I’m Christina Hetherington, an Emotional Wellbeing Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

I qualified and have been in private practice since 2008, accumulating tens of thousands of therapeutic hours working with clients. I’ve had the privilege of supporting Men, Women, Children, Singles, Couples and Families with every possible issue you could imagine.

My forte in the past few years though has been working with Men – more specifically, Men who appear successful on the outside, but very much struggle on the inside.

My clients have all taught me so much – solidifying my expertise in this area and shaping me into a true specialist.

Every day in my therapy room, I see firsthand that material success does not guarantee genuine contentment or connection.Money really can’t buy you love (or happiness) … All my real-life case-studies bear this out. Please check them out here.

I firmly believe that most Men are inherently good Men and deserve to be happy – you just need some guidance on how to achieve that.

Over the years, I’ve come to understand you – to see through your masks and illusions and to know how best to help you tackle your depression or demons.

I now probably understand many of you better than you understand yourselves…

I’ve dealt with complex issues, such as attempted suicide, childhood trauma, depression, heartbreak, addiction and substance abuse. I understand the deep impact these have.

Hence, I create a safe, supportive environment for you to open up and heal. A space where you feel seen, heard and understood – in many cases, for the first time in your life.

Empathy and compassion are paramount, I don’t judge or condemn. Having worked with both drug dealers and killers, I know there’s often a deeper reason behind things.

Despite living in an era of unprecedented connectivity, I witness that many of you are more lonely, depressed and isolated than ever before. Crying out for better connections, more understanding and greater fulfillment.

Statistics show that middle-aged Men take their own lives roughly four times more often than Women do.This is heart-breaking. My mission, therefore, is to help reduce these awful figures as much as I possibly can. 

I have the knowledge, skills and expertise to help someone transform, then completely turn their life around.

This truly is my gift in life. It would be wrong of me, in these times, NOT to share that gift with the world.

To achieve my aim, I’ve developed my 90-day Method. A structured way for you to achieve significant change in a relatively short period of time. Why not give it a try.

By helping troubled Men, I also help the Women (or future Women) who love and care about them – the mothers, wives, girlfriends and daughters. It’s a win-win.

I truly care and love what I do, so remain a confidante and trusted emotional advisor to many of my former clients.

I would be deeply honoured to guide you on your happiness journeys Gentlemen.

Much love

Christina xx

“Christina listened, non-judgmentally; as I let out a lifetime of emotions I had never dealt with...I feel as though my life has finally begun and I can never thank Christina enough for the impact she has had on me. Now I am living life with "the lights turned on" and if angels really do exist - I met one in Christina".