Work With Christina

You can have good physical health, good financial health and good career health, but if you haven’t got good emotional health you’ll NEVER be truly happy or fulfilled. And left un-tackled, your situation is only going to get worse. We all have a more-life principle buried deep inside our subconscious minds that we can’t stop – this basically means we are constantly evolving. 

If we have dysfunctions, issues or problems, that we’re not addressing, they are constantly evolving too, whether we like it or not. In other words, if you don’t do anything about your malaise, darkness or addiction it’s only going to get worse as time goes on. You’ll be on the path to deep unhappiness…or worse.

My mission is to help you heal and then to evolve into the man you’ve always dreamt of being. You, at your absolute best… 

You upgrade your car, your TV and your phone regularly, so why not you…?

These are The ways you can Currently work with me:


(Platinum Standard)

  • My Elite and most comprehensive version of The Happy Man Method. (My personal favourite).
  • For when you’re ready to experience the ultimate long-term happiness transformation.
  • Incorporating all the elements of the Method alongside my Millionaire but Miserable programme.
  • Meeting fortnightly for 12 months (48 sessions).
  • One-to-one by Zoom, FaceTime or in-person. 
  • Including 4 in person VIP Days where lunch and refreshments will be provided.
  • Locations to be agreed between both parties.


(Gold Standard)

  • My signature 90-Day Deep Dive programme.
  • For when you’re ready to experience what it truly feels like to live your life as the best and happiest version of yourself.
  • You’ve decided it’s time to be the man you were always meant to be – not the man you currently show to the world.
  • You’re eager to transition into a life where you leave your emotional pain behind and embrace a life of happiness, connection and possibility.
  • Meeting weekly for 90 days (12 x 2 hour sessions).
  • Meeting one-to-one by Zoom, FaceTime or in-person.


(Silver standard)

  • My VIP Day in beautiful East Yorkshire.
  • For when you’re ready to throw yourself into a one-off, super-blitz, in-person day with me.
  • We’ll smash through as many blocks as we can in 8 hours, using the Method principles.
  • Tackling whatever it is that’s uppermost in your mind.
  • You’ll leave feeling like you’ve offloaded, uplifted and got a plan of action for a brighter, happier future.
  • Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
  • You must be willing to travel. This session cannot be done by Zoom or FaceTime.


(For those Men who are single post-Method and looking for Love)

  • My bespoke Woman of your Dreams Matchmaking Service.
  • I offer assistance in finding, meeting, discerning and dating the kind of woman you now deserve.
  • Every situation is different so please enquire for further details.


(For those Men who are post-Method and want to be the best Partner/Husband possible)

  • The Method will really help you to improve all of your good relationships, but if you want EVEN more, here it is.
  • This 90-day programme guides you into being the best Partner/Catch you can possibly be. The kind of Man Quality Women will want to date/marry and never let go of!
  • Find out what most Good Women REALLY want from a relationship (from a Woman’s perspective).
  • Meeting weekly for 90 days (12 x 1 hour sessions).
  • Meeting one-to-one by Zoom, Facetime, or in person.


(For those Men who are post-Method and want to be the best Father possible)

  • The Method will really help you to improve your relationship with your kids/grandkids (or future kids/grandkids), but if you want EVEN more, here it is.
  • This 90-day programme guides you into being the best Father/Grandfather you can possibly be. Building a bond with your children that’s unbreakable (whatever their age).
  • Find out what most children really NEED from their Dad. (This programme is particularly effective if you didn’t have a great relationship/bond with your Dad).
  • Meeting weekly for 90 days (12 x 1 hour sessions).
  • Meeting one-to-one by Zoom, Facetime, or in person.
“I was in a toxic, narcissistic relationship on and off for years. It got to the point where my self-esteem was at an all time low and I couldn’t seem to shake the thoughts and feelings that this was what my life was destined to be – that I didn’t deserve better.

Enough was enough, I found Christina by searching for professional support on-line. A year on, I’m now in a wonderful relationship with the love of my life, absolutely excelling in my career and attending events and conferences which my previous level of confidence would NEVER have let me attend.

If you are contemplating whether to work with Christina, please do it. Fully embrace it and I GUARANTEE your future will be brighter and happier.”